Tie-dye has made a big comeback in 2020 and it looks like it’s here to stay. Every brand is taking a run at it; one of my personal favorites was the set I purchased from Target at the beginning of the year. It’s been sold out for a few months now so we decided to re-create it at home.

As school came to an end and my role as homeschool teacher turned into camp director I began to look for activities to do with the kids. With the help of Pinterest and Amazon Prime we had this fun activity to look forward to!

I originally searched for plain white tanks for the girls but they were pretty hard to come by (apparently I’m not the only one with the idea). I later found these adorable hooded sweatshirts and matching joggers.
Next I searched for the dye. Now I’m sure there are many do-it yourself options out there however I wanted something a little easier for the girls. This kit had everything I needed and included 24 colors, rubber bands, gloves, and a table protector. It even had directions in case you were trying to achieve a particular pattern.
I prefer winging it over following the directions so we just scrunched up the hoodies and pants and wrapped them in rubber bands.

I would highly suggest taking this activity outside as it can be messy and staining would be a concern. I let the girls pick two colors each. We lightly dampened the clothes with water before adding the dye. This allows the colors to absorb better, if you're looking for more white spots I would suggest keeping it dry.

I added water to each dye bottle and let the girls do their thing. The best part is there is no right or wrong way to go about it. Each came out so different and cute!

When we were finished I placed them in individual gallon zip lock bags and set on the back deck. The directions say to leave for 24 hours however we were pretty excited to see how they came out and only made it 12 hours - ha!

We rinsed each set separately under cold water getting the majority of the dye out and then transferred to the wash for a cold rinse cycle. Pro tip: make sure you wash separately!!

With plenty of leftover colors I can’t wait to do it again. What has been your favorite family craft during quarantine? Comment below.

**This activity was completed before Liv broke her collarbone. She is doing great now and will be back to her normal self in 4-6 weeks!